National Water Model

The National Water Model
The NWM complements current hydrologic modeling which is done in a simplified manner for approximately 4000 locations across the CONUS (continental United States) by providing information at a very fine spatial and temporal scale at those locations, as well as for locations that don’t have a traditional river forecast.
BYU Role
The NWM is currently is not widely used or available. To counter this, The BYU Hydroinformatics lab is creating a HydroServer application. This app will allow users to easily manipulate data from the over 4 million streams and rivers tracked by the National Weather Service. BYU’s goal is to have the NWM quickly accessible to anyone who has need for stream flow data.
Useful Links
Souffront Alcantara, Michael A; Crawley, Shawn; Stealey, Michael J.; Nelson, E. James; Ames, Daniel P.; Jones, Norm L. (2017). Open Water Data Solutions for Accessing the National Water Model. Retrieved from