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Jafet Andersson, Berit Arheimer, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Chris DeBeer, Riley Hales , Shaun Harrigan, Rosberg Jörgen, Rohini Kumar, Jim Nelson , Alan Pietroniro, Robert Reinecke, Luis Samaniego, Hannes Müller Schmied, Niko Wanders, Albrecht Weerts, Kosuke Yamamoto, Kei Yoshimura, Xing Yuan (2022). "State of Global Water Resources 2021." World Meteorological Organization, 2022. Tanner, K.B., Cardall, A.C. and Williams, G.P. , 2022. "A Spatial Long-Term Trend Analysis of Estimated Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Utah Lake Using Earth Observation Data." Remote Sensing , 14 (15), p.3664. Nishimura, Ren, Norman L. Jones , Gustavious P. Williams , Daniel P. Ames , Bako Mamane, and Jamila Begou (2022). “Methods for Characterizing Groundwater Resources with Sparse In Situ Data.” Hydrology , 2022 9(8), K. B. Tanner, A. C. Cardall and G. P. Williams (2022), "Analysis of Long-Term Chlorophyll Trends in Utah Lake using Landsat Data and Lake Regions," 2022 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), Orem, Utah, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi:10.1109/IETC54973.2022.9796773 Shurtz, Kayson M., Emily Dicataldo, Robert B. Sowby , and Gustavious P. Williams (2022). “Insights into Efficient Irrigation of Urban Landscapes: Analysis Using Remote Sensing, Parcel Data, Water Use, and Tiered Rates” Sustainability 2022 14, 1427 Ramirez, Saul G. , Gustavious Paul Williams , and Norman L. Jones . “Groundwater Level Data Imputation Using Machine Learning and Remote Earth Observations Using Inductive Bias.” Remote Sensing 14, no. 21 (January 2022): 5509. Barbosa, S.A.; Pulla , S.T.; Williams, G.P. ; Jones, N.L. ; Mamane, B.; Sanchez, J.L. "Evaluating Groundwater Storage Change and Recharge Using GRACE Data: A Case Study of Aquifers in Niger, West Africa." Remote Sens. 2022, 14,1532. Hales, R. C ., Nelson, E. J. , Souffront, M., Gutierrez, A. L., Prudhomme, C., Kopp, S., Ames, D. P. , Williams, G. P. , & Jones, N. L . "Advancing global hydrologic modeling with the GEOGloWS ECMWF streamflow service." Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12859 . Ramirez, S.G. ; Williams, G.P. ; Jones, N.L. "Groundwater Level Data Imputation Using Machine Learning and Remote Earth Observations Using Inductive Bias." Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 5509. Ramirez, S. G. , Hales, R. C. , Williams, G. P. , & Jones, N. L. (2022). "Extending SC-PDSI-PM with neural network regression using GLDAS data and permutation feature importance." Environmental Modelling & Software, 157 , 105475. doi: Hales, Riley C. , Robert B. Sowby, Gustavious P. Williams , E. James Nelson , Daniel P. Ames , Jonah B. Dundas, and Josh Ogden . 2022. "SABER: A Model-Agnostic Postprocessor for Bias Correcting Discharge from Large Hydrologic Models" Hydrology 9, no. 7: 113. 2021
McStraw, T.C. , Pulla, S.T., Jones, N.L. , Williams, G.P. , David, C.H., Nelson, J.E. , and Ames, D.P. . 2021. "An Open-Source Web Application for Regional Analysis of GRACE Groundwater Data and Engaging Stakeholders in Groundwater Management." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1– 15. .Rohit Khattar , Riley Hales , Daniel P. Ames , E. James Nelson , Norm Jones , Gus Williams , (2021). Tethys App Store: Simplifying deployment of web applications for the international GEOGloWS initiative. Environmental Modelling & Software , vol. 146, art. 105227. .Tsering, K., Shrestha, M., Shakya, K., Bajracharya, B., Matin, M., Sanchez Lozano, J.L. , Nelson, J. et al, (2021). Verification of two hydrological models for real-time flood forecasting in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. Nat Hazards . . Hales, Riley C. ; Nelson, E. James ; Williams, Gus P. ; Jones, Norman L. ; Ames, Daniel P. ; Jones, Enoch , (2021). The Grids Python Tool for Querying Spatiotemporal Multidimensional Water Data. Water , MDPI 2021, 13, 2066. .Bustamante, Giovanni R. , Everett J. Nelson , Daniel P. Ames , Gustavious P. Williams , Norman L. Jones , Enrico Boldrini, Igor Chernov, and Jorge L. Sanchez Lozano 2021. "Water Data Explorer: An Open-Source Web Application and Python Library for Water Resources Data Discovery" Water 13, no. 13: 1850. .Nelson, James E. , (2021). "Actionable water information for local decision-making." Open Access Government, August 17, 2021. .Nelson, J. , Artigas, J., Aldana, A., Sierra, M., Boldrini, E., & Gascon, T., (2021). Synergies between hydrometeorological systems in the Dominican Republic. World Meteorological Organization . .Meyer, Alma ; Sánchez Lozano, Jorge Luis ; Nelson, Jim ; and Flores, Africa, (2021). “Connecting Space to Village by Predicting Algae Contamination in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala,” Open Water Journal : Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 8. .Ashby, Kyler R. ; Hales, Riley Chad ; Nelson, Jim ; Ames, Daniel P. ; and Williams, Gustavious P. , (2021). "Hydroviewer: A Web Application to Localize Global Hydrologic Forecasts," Open Water Journal: Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 9. .Dolder, D. ; Williams, G.P. ; Miller, A.W. ; Nelson, E.J. ; Jones, N.L. ; Ames, D.P. Introducing an Open-Source Regional Water Quality Data Viewer Tool to Support Research Data Access. Hydrology 2021, 8, 91. .Nelson, E.J. , (2021). Predicting Disasters Using Global Water Intelligence. Scientia . Cardall, Anna; Tanner, Kaylee Brook ; and Williams, Gustavious Paul , (2021) "Google Earth Engine Tools for Long-Term Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations," Open Water Journal : Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 4. . Qiao, X. , Li, Z. , Zhang, F., Ames, D.P. , Chen, M., Nelson, E.J. , Khattar, R. , (2021). A Container-based Approach for Sharing Complex Environmental Models as Web Services. International Journal of Digital Earth . DOI: .Sanchez Lozano J.L. , Romero Bustmante , E.G., Nelson, E.J. , Williams, G. , Ames, D.P. , Jones, N. , Hales, R. , (2021). A Streamflow Bias Correction and Validation Web Application for GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Services. Hydrology , vol. 8, issue 2, art. 71. .Amalaraj, A. , Ames, D.P. , (2021). Design and Development of a Tethys Framework Web Application to Elucidate the Application Programmer Interface. Open Water Journal, vol. 7, iss. 1, art. 3. .2020
Evans, S ., Williams, G. , Jones, N. , Ames, D.P. , Nelson, E.J. , 2020. Exploiting Earth observation Data to Impute Groundwater Level Measurements with an Extreme Learning Machine. Remote Sensing , vol 12, issue 12. DOI: .Evans, S ., Jones, N. , Williams, G. , Ames, D.P. , Nelson, E.J. , 2020. Groundwater Level Mapping Tool: An Open Source Web Application for Assessing Groundwater Sustainability. Environmental Modelling & Software , vol 131, article 104782. DOI: .Chen, M., Voinov, A., Ames, D.P. , Kettner, A.J., Goodall, J.L., Jakeman, A.J., Barton, M., Harpham, Q., Cuddy, S.M., DeLuca, C., Yue, S., Wang, J., Zhang, F., Wen, Y., Lu, G., 2020. Position Paper: Open Web-Distributed Integrated Geographic Modelling and Simulation to Enable Broader Participation and Applications. Earth Science Reviews , vol 207, article 103223. DOI: . Barton, C.M., Alberti, M., Ames, D.P. , Atkinson, J.A., Bales, J., Burke, E., Chen, M., Diallo, S.Y., Earn, D.J., Fath, B. and Feng, Z., 2020. "Call for transparency of COVID-19 models. " Science , 368(6490), pp.482-483. DOI: Khattar, Rohit and Ames, Daniel P. (2020) "A Web Services Based Water Data Sharing Approach using Open Geospatial Consortium Standards," Open Water Journal : Vol. 6 : Iss. 1 , Article 2. Available at: Nelson, R.W.; Williams, G.P. (2020) "Mathematical Treatment of Saturated Macroscopic Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Medium: Evaluating Darcy’s Law." Hydrology 2020, 7, 4. DOI: Hansen, C.H., S.J. Burian, P.E. Dennison, and G.P. Williams (2020) "Evaluating historical trends and influences of meteorological and seasonal climate conditions on lake chlorophyll a using remote sensing." Lake and Reservoir Management , 36, 45-63. DOI: 2019
Souffront, Michael A. , Nelson, E. , Shakya, K., Edwards, C. , Roberts, W. , Krewson, C. , Ames, D. , Jones, N. (2019) “Hydrologic Modeling as a Service (HMaaS): A New Approach to Address Hydroinformatic Challenges in Developing Countries ” Frontiers in Environmental Science: Freshwater Science . DOI: .Mcdonald, Spencer, Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed, John D. Bolten, Sarva T. Pulla, Chinaporn Meechaiya, Amanda Weigel Markert, E. James Nelson , Raghavan, Srinivasan, Venkataramn Lakshmi. (2019) “A web-based decision support system tools: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool Online visualization and analyses (SWATOnline) and NASA earth observation data downloading and reformatting tool (NASAaccess)” Environmental Modelling & Software , Vol. 120. DOI: . Qiao, Xiaohui , Nelson, E. , Ames, D. , Li, Z. , David, C., Williams, G. , Roberts, W. , Luis-Sanchez, J. , Edwards, C. , Souffront, M. , Matin,M. (2019) “A Systems Approach to Routing Global Gridded Runoff through Local High-Resolution Stream Networks for Flood Early Warning Systems ” Environmental Modelling and Software , 120(104501). DOI: .Sikder, Safat, David, C., Allen, G., Qiao, X. , Nelson, E. , Matin, M. (2019)“Evaluation of Available Global Runoff Datasets through a River Model in Support of Transboundary Water Management in South and Southeast Asia ” Frontiers in Environmental Science: Landsurface Dynamics,, . Nelson, E. , Pulla, S. , Matin, M., Shakya, K., Jones, N. , Ames, D. , Ellenburg, L., Markert, K., David, C., Zaitchik, B., Gatlin, P., Hales, R. (2019) “Enabling Stakeholder Decision-Making with Earth Observation and Modeling Data Across the SERVIR Hubs using Tethys Platform ” Frontiers in Environmental Science: Freshwater Science, DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00148 .Jackson, Elise , Roberts, W. , Nelsen, W. , Willliams, P. , Nelson, P. , Ames, D. (2019) “Introductory overview: Error metrics for hydrologic modelling – A review of common practices and an open source library to facilitate use and adoption ” Environmental Modeling and Software, 199, 32-48. DOI: .2018
Roberts, W. , Williams, G. , Jackson, E., Nelson, E. , Ames, D. (2018). “Hydrostats: A Python Package for Characterizing Errors between Observed and Predicted Time Series .” Hydrology 5(4), 66. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology5040066 .Zhang, F., Chen, M., Ames, D.P. , Shen, C., Yue, S., Wen, Y., and Lu, G. (2018). “Design and Development of a Service-oriented Wrapper System for Sharing and Reusing Distributed GeoanalysisModels on the Web .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 11, 498-509. DOI: . Nelson, J. , Ames, D.P. , and Blodgett, D. (2018). “Open Hydrology Courseware Using the United States Geological Survey’s National Water Census Data Portal .” Open Water Journal, 5(1), 1-14.2017
Souffront Alcantara, M.A. , Crawley, S. , Stealey, M.J., Nelson, E.J. , Ames, D.P. , and Jones, N.L. (2017). “Open Water Data Solutions for Accessing the National Water Model .” Open Water Journal, 4(1), 21-32.Kadlec, J. and Ames, D.P. (2017). “Using Crowdsourced and Weather Station Data to Fill Cloud Gaps in MODIS Snow Cover Datasets .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 95, 258-270.Crawley, S. , Ames, D.P. , Li, Z., and Tarboton, D. (2017). “HydroShare GIS: Visualizing Spatial Data in the Cloud .” Open Water Journal, 4(1), 2-20.Christensen, S. D. , Swain, N. R. , Jones, N.L. , Nelson, E.J. , Snow, A. D. , and Dolder, H. G. (2017). “A Comprehensive Python Toolkit for Accessing High-Throughput Computing to Support Large Hydrologic Modeling Tasks .” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53(2), 333-343.Souffront, M. , Kesler, C. , Stealey, M., Nelson, J. , Ames, D. , Jones, N. ,(2017). “Cyberinfrastructure and Web Apps for Managing and Disseminating the National Water Model .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association.2016
Swain, N.R. , Christensen, S.D. , Snow, A.D. , Dolder, H. , Espinoza-Davalos, G., Goharian, E., Jones, N.L. , Nelson, E.J. , Ames, D.P. , and Burian, S.J. (2016). “A New Open Source Platform for Lowering the Barrier for Environmental Web App Development .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 85, 11-26.Fidel,J. P. , Swain,N. R. , Dolder, H. G. , Christensen, S. D. , Snow, A. D. , E. James Nelson , and Norman L. Jones (2016). “From Global to Local: Providing Actionable Flood Forecast Information in a Cloud-Based Computing Environment .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 52(4):965–978. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12392 .Fatichi, S., Vivoni, E.R., Ogden, F.L., Ivanov, V.Y., Mirus, B., Gochis, D., Downer, C.W., Camporese, M., Davidson, J.H., Ebel, B., Jones, N. , Kim, J., Mascaro, G., Niswonger, R., Restrepo, P., Rigon, R., Shen, C., Sulis, M., and Tarboton, D. (2016). “An Overview of Challenges, Current Applications and Future Trends of Distributed Process-based Models in Hydrology .” Journal of Hydrology, 537, 45-60. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.026 . Hinton, D., Hotchkiss, R., and Ames, D.P. (2016). “Comprehensive and Quality-Controlled Bedload Transport Database .” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(2). Woodbury, D.H. , Ames, D.P. , Duncan, S., and Gault, G. (2016). “A New Open‐Access HUC‐8 Based Downscaled CMIP‐5 Climate Model Forecast Dataset for the Conterminous United States .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 52(4), 906-915.Kadlec, J. , Miller, A.W. , and Ames, D.P. (2016). “Extracting Snow Cover Time Series Data from Open Access Web Mapping Tile Services .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA),52(4), 916-932.Snow, A.D. , Christensen, S.D. , Swain, N.R. , Nelson, E.J. , Ames, D.P. , Jones, N.L. , Ding, D., Noman, N., David, C.H., and Pappenberger, F. (2016). “A High-Resolution National-Scale Hydrologic Forecast System from a Global Ensemble Land Surface Model .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 52(4), 950-964.Joe, J., Hendrickson, K., Wong, M., Kane, S., Solan, D., Carlisle, J., Koehler, D., Ames, D.P. , and Beazer, R. (2016). “Political efficacy and familiarity as predictors of attitudes towards electric transmission lines in the United States .” Energy Research & Social Science, vol 17, pp 127-134. Ge, M., Wu, P., Zhu, D., and Ames, D.P. (2016). “Comparison Between Sprinkler Irrigation and Natural Rainfall Based on Droplet Diameter .” Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(1), pp. 1-10. DOI: 10.5424/sjar/2016141-8076 . Sadler, J. , Ames, D.P. , and Livingston, S.J. (2016).”Extending HydroShare to enable hydrologic time series data as social media .” Journal of Hydroinformatics, 18(2), 198-209. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2015.331 .Sadler, J. , Ames, D.P. , and Khattar, R. (2016). “A Recipe for Standards-Based Data Sharing using Open Source Software and Low-Cost Electronics .” Journal of Hydroinformatics, 18(2), 185-197. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2015.092 .2015
Jones, D., Jones, N.L. , Greer, J., and Nelson, E. J . (2015). “A cloud-based MODFLOW service for aquifer management decision support .” Computers and GeoSciences, 78, 81-87. Webber, B., Weber, K.T., Clark, P.E., Moffet, C.A., Ames, D.P. , Taylor, J.B., Johnson, D.E., and Kiel, J.G. (2015). “Movements of Domestic Sheep in the Presence of Livestock Guardian Dogs .” Sheep & Goat Research Journal, 30, 18-23. Kadlec, J. , StClair, B., Ames, D.P. , and Gill, R. (2015). “WaterML R Package for Managing Ecological Experiment Data on a CUAHSI HydroServer .” Ecological Informatics, 28, 19-28 DOI:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.05.002 .Brewer, J. , Ames, D.P. , D. Solan, D., Lee, R., and Carlisle, J. (2015). “Using GIS analytics and social preference data to evaluate utility-scale solar power site suitability .” Renewable Energy 81, 825-836 DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.017 .Dolder, H. , Jones, N. , and Nelson, E. (2015). “Simple Method for Using Precomputed Hydrologic Models in Flood Forecasting with Uniform Rainfall and Soil Moisture Pattern .” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001232 , 04015039 .Kern, E., Hotchkiss, R.H., and Ames, D.P. (2015). “Introducing a Low-Head Dam Fatality Database and Internet Information Portal .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 1-7. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12289 . Baloch, M., Ames, D. P. , and Tanik, A. (2015). “Hydrological impacts of climate and land use change on Namnam stream in Koycegiz watershed, Turkey .” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12, 1481-1494. DOI:10.1007/s13762-014-0527-x . Swain, N. R. , Latu, K. , Christensen, S. D. , Jones, N.L. , Nelson, E. J ., Ames, D. P. , and Williams, G. P. (2015). “A review of open source software solutions for developing water resources web applications .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 67, 108-117.Osorio-Murillo, C. , Over, M., Savoy, H., Ames, D.P. , and Rubin, Y. (2015). “Software framework for inverse modeling and uncertainty characterization .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 66, 98-109.Fan, F., Fleischmann, A.S., Ames, D.P. , and Rigo, D. (2015). “Large-Scale Analytical Water Quality Model Coupled With GIS for Simulation of Point Sourced Time Variable Discharges .” Environmental Modelling & Software,65, 58-71. Wang, J., Zhu, D., Zhang, L., and Ames, D.P. (2015). “Economic Analysis Approach for Identifying Optimal Microirrigation Uniformity .” ASCE Journal of Irrigation Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000863 . 2014
Hayden, S. , Ames, D. , Turner, D. , Keene, T., and Andrus, D. (2014). “Mobile, Low-Cost, and Large-Scale Immersive Data Visualization Environment for Civil Engineering Applications .” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000428, 05014011 .Fan, Y., Richard, S., Bristol, R. S.,Peters, S. E.,Ingebritsen, S. E., Moosdorf, N., Packman, A., Gleeson, T., Zaslavsky, I., Peckham, S., Murdoch, L., Fienen, M., Cardiff, M., Tarboton, D., Jones, N. , Hooper, R., Arrigo, J., Gochis, D., Olson, J. and Wolock, D. (2014). “DigitalCrust – a 4D data system of material properties for transforming research on crustal fluid flow .” GeoFluids. DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12114 . Yang, P., Ames, D.P. , Fonseca, A., Anderson, D., Shrestha, R., and Glenn, N.F. (2014). “What is the Effect of LiDAR-Derived DEM Resolution on Large-Scale Watershed Model Results? ” Environmental Modelling & Software, 58, 48-57. Anderson, D., Ames, D.P. , and Yang, P. (2014). “Quantitative Methods for Comparing Different Polyline Stream Network Models .” Journal of Geographic Information System, 6(2). Fonseca, A., Ames, D.P. , Yang, P., Botelho, C., Boaventura, R., and Vilar, V. (2014). “Watershed model parameter estimation and uncertainty in data-limited environments .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 51, 84-93. 2013
Jones, N.L. , Nelson, E. J ., Williams, G. P. , Ogden, F., Tarboton, D., and Burian, S. (2013) “CI-WATER: Cyberinfrastructure to Advance High Performance Water Resource Modeling .” World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.Jones, N.L. , Lemon, A. M. and Kennard, M. J. (2013). “Efficient Storage of Large MODFLOW Models .” Ground Water. DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12060 .Conner, L. G., Ames, D.P. , and Gill, R.A. (2013). “HydroServer Lite as an open source solution for archiving and sharing environmental data for independent university labs .” Ecological Informatics, 18, 171-177. Latu, K. , Swain, N. R. , Christensen, S. D. , Jones, N.L. , Nelson, E. J ., and Williams, G. P. (2013). “Essential GIS Technologies for Hydrologic Simulation Applications in Cloud Computing .” World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.2012
Ames, D.P. , Horsburgh, J.S., Cao, Y., Kadlec, J. , Whiteaker, T., and Valentine, D. (2012). “HydroDesktop: Web Services-Based Software for Hydrologic Data Discovery, Download, Visualization, and Analysis .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 37, 146-156.Michaelis, C. and Ames, D.P. (2012). “Considerations for Implementing OGC WMS and WFS Specifications in a Desktop GIS .” Journal of Geographic Information System, 4(2), 161-167. DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2012.42021 . Panda, S.S., Steele, D.D., and Ames, D.P. (2012). “Precision Water Management in Corn Using Automated Crop Yield Modeling and Remotely Sensed Data .” International Journal of Remote Sensing Application, 1(1), 11-21. Whiteaker, T., Jones, N. , Strassberg, G., Lemon, A., and Gallup, D. (2012). “GIS-based Data Model and Tools for Creating and Managing Two-Dimensional Cross Sections .” Computers and Geosciences, 29. Jones, N. , Wallace, R., Jones, R., Butler, C., Zundel, A. (2012). “Efficient Application Programming Interface for Multi-Dimensional Modeling Data .” Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(1), 1-12.2011
Salah, A. M., Nelson, E. J. , and Williams, G. P. (2011). “A Framework for Implementing Spatial and Temporal Uncertainty In Integrated Water Resources Modeling .” Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 16(1), 77-86. Raza, M., Weber, K., Mannel, S., Ames, D.P. , and Pattillo, R. (2011). “Geospatial analysis of tree root damage to sidewalks in southeastern Idaho .” URISA Journal, 23(1), 29-32. Alexandrov, G.A., Ames, D.P. , Bellocchi, G., Bruen, M., Crout, N., Erechtchoukova, M., Hildebrandt, A., Hoffman, F., Jackisch, C., Khaiter, P., Mannina, G., Matsunaga, T., Purucker, S.T., Rivington, M., and Samaniego, L. (2011). “Technical assessment and evaluation of environmental models and software: Letter to the Editor .” Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(3), 328-336. Anderson, D. L. and Ames, D.P. (2011). “A method for extracting stream channel flow paths directly from LiDAR point cloud data .” Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 11(1), 1-17. Marchionni, B. and Ames, D.P. (2011). “A modular spatial modeling environment for GIS .” OSGeo Journal, 8, 54-64. Dunsford, H. and Ames, D.P. (2011). “MapWindow 6.0: an extensible architecture for cartographic symbology. ” OSGeo Journal, 8, 31-36. Jones, N.L. , Smilowitz, M., and Whitehead, D. (2011). “The Sacramento Regional Groundwater Model .” World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.2010
Strassberg, G., and Jones, N. (2010) “Arc Hydro Groundwater Data Model and Tools: Overview and Use Cases .” AQUA mundi, 1(2), 101-114. Kantabutra, V., Owens, J.B., Ames, D.P. , Burns, C.N., and Stephenson, B. (2010). “Using the newly-created ILE DBMS to better represent temporal and historical GIS data .” Trans. in GIS, 14(s1), 39-58. Panda, S.S., Ames, D.P. , and Panigrahi, S. (2010). “Application of vegetation indices for agricultural crop yield prediction using neural network techniques .” Remote Sensing, 2(3), 673-696. Panda, S.S., Panigrahi, S., and Ames, D.P. (2010). “Crop yield forecasting from remotely sensed aerial images with self-organizing maps .” Transactions of the American Society Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 53(2). 323-338. Jones, N. , Lemon, A, and Patton, R. (2010). “Automated well permitting in a coastal region using SEAWAT and ArcGIS .” SWIM21 – 21st Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, 187-190.2009
Paudel, M., Nelson, E. J. , and Scharffenberg, W. (2009). “Comparison of Lumped and Quasi-Distributed Clark Runoff Models Using the SCS Curve Number Equation .” ASCE Journal Hydrologic Engineering, 14(10) 1098-1106. Ames, D.P. , Rafn, E., Van Kirk, R., and Crosby, B. (2009). “Estimation of stream channel geometry in Idaho using GIS-derived watershed characteristics .” Environmental Modeling & Software, 24(3), 444-448.Michaelis, C. and Ames, D.P. (2009). “Evaluation and implementation of OGC Web Processing Service for use in client-side GIS .” Geoinformatica, 13(1), 109-120. Williams G. P. , Jones, N.L. , and Handy, J. (2009). “A Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Alignment and Matching of Borehole Stratigraphy .” ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute 2008 Conference.2008 and earlier
Ames, D.P. and Lall, U. (2008). “Developing total maximum daily loads under uncertainty: decision analysis and the margin of safety .” Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. 140, 37-52.Rafn, E., Contor, B., and Ames, D.P. (2008). “Evaluation of a method for estimating irrigated crop-evapotranspiration coefficients from remotely sensed data in Idaho .” ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134(6), 722-729. Jones, N.L. , Handy, J. R., and Wallace, R. M. (2008). “Levee Analyst: A GIS-based levee modeling and management system .” the Association of State Dam Safety Officials Annual Conference 2008.Michaelis, C. and Ames, D.P. (2007). “Evaluation of the OGC web processing service for use in a client-side GIS .” OSGeo Journal 1:50-55 Ames, D.P. , Michaelis, C., and Dunsford, H. (2007). “Introducing the MapWindow GIS Project .” OSGeo Journal, 2, 13-16.Smemoe, C. M., Nelson, E. J. , Zundel, A. K., and Miller, A. W. (2007). “Floodplain Risk Analysis Using Flood Probability Maps .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Ames, D. P. (2006). “Estimating 7Q10 Confidence Limits from Data: A Bootstrap Approach .” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 132 (3), 204-208.Olivera, F., Koka, S., and Nelson, J . (2006). “WaterNet: A GIS Application for the Analysis of Hydrologic Networks Using Vector Spatial Data .” Transactions in GIS, 10(3), 355-375. Ames, D. P. , Neilson, B.T., Stevens, D.K., and Lall, U. (2005). “Using Bayesian networks to model watershed management decisions: an East Canyon Creek case study .” Journal of Hydroinformatics, 7(4), 267-282.Noman, N. S.,Nelson, J. ,and Zundel, A. K., (2003). “An improved process for floodplain delineation from digital terrain models .” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 129(5), 427-436. Omer, C. R., Nelson, E. J. , and Zundel, A. K. (2003). “Impact of varied data resolution on hydraulic modeling and floodplain delineation .” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(2),467-475. Noman, N. S., Nelson, E. J. , and Zundel, A. K. (2001). “A Review of Automated Flood Plain Delineation from Digital Terrain Models .” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 127(6), 394-402.