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Predicting Disasters Using Global Water Intelligence

Accurate knowledge of the water cycle is essential for predicting disasters such as floods and droughts. The Group on Earth Observations Global Water Sustainability initiative (GEOGloWS) provides hydrologic forecasts through an accessible web service to assist local water users. Partnering with water scientists worldwide, Professor Jim Nelson of Brigham Young University worked with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts to develop a global streamflow service.

BYU software predicts the rise and fall of every river on earth; agencies like NASA are using it to save lives worldwide

The BYU Hydroinformatics Lab's partnership with GEOGloWS has resulted in the development of water-modeling software that is making a difference on a global scale.

Global Streamflow Forecast Presented at GEOweek

October 24, 2019 02:17 PM
Dr. Nelson and Dr. Jones represented BYU at the annual GEO Conference, GEOweek, in Kyoto, Japan.
Along with Dr. Gutierrez-Magness from NOAA, Dr. Nelson presented how the global streamflow forecast changes how hydrological information is created, used, and viewed. Their entire presentation can be viewed on BYU's hydroinformatics Youtube Page.