Streamflow Prediction Animation

The streamflow animation tool better visualize data obtained by the streamflow prediction tool. The streamflow animation tool animates the predicted streamflow of rivers and streams throughout the world. The streamflow animation tool also marks rivers and streams exceeding their 2, 10, and 20-year high streamflow. Rivers exceeding their 2, 10, and 20-year high streamflow are at greater risk of flooding. More information can be obtained by clicking on specific rivers. This will pull up a specific river’s extended predicted streamflow as well as 35 years of simulated historic flows. The streamflow animation tool will have more functions and abilities that are now being planned and developed.
The ultimate goal of the streamflow animation tool is to provide a more accurate visualization of predicted streamflows. This will allow all users a better understanding of how their region’s rivers will change in the coming week, while still providing actionable information. The BYU Hydroinformatics lab hopes that this tool will allow more people to gain access to and understand streamflow data.
This tool is made possible by Comprehensive Streamflow Prediction and Visualization to Support Integrated Water Management grant from NASA SERVIR.